Accepted Papers | ||
Title | ||
Primary Subject Area | ID | |
3D computer vision | 93 | UPnP: An optimal O(n) solution to the absolute pose problem with universal applicability |
128 | Video Registration to SfM Models | |
168 | Image-based 4-d Modeling Using 3-d Change Detection | |
173 | Pipe-Run Extraction and Reconstruction from Point Clouds | |
250 | A Scalable Solution to the Generalized Pose and Scale Problem | |
297 | Accurate intrinsic calibration of depth camera with cuboids | |
366 | Total Moving Face Reconstruction | |
397 | Unsupervised Dense Object Discovery, Detection, Tracking and Reconstruction | |
425 | 3D Interest Point Detection via Discriminative Learning | |
534 | Match Selection and Refinement for Highly Accurate Two-View Structure from Motion | |
536 | Globally Optimal Inlier Set Maximization With Unknown Rotation and Focal Length | |
570 | Robust Global Translations with 1DSfM | |
582 | Joint Object Class Sequencing and Trajectory Triangulation (JOST) | |
590 | Scene Chronology | |
667 | Know Your Limits: Accuracy of Long Range Stereoscopic Object Measurements in Practice | |
677 | Efficiently Estimating the Absolute Camera Pose by Guessing Focal Length Values | |
691 | A Pot of Gold: Rainbows as a Calibration Cue | |
737 | Joint Semantic Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Video | |
753 | Efficient Joint Segmentation, Occlusion Labeling, Stereo and Flow Estimation | |
757 | Unfolding an Indoor Origami World | |
841 | Shape from Light Field meets Robust PCA | |
884 | Topology and Connectivity Preserving Constraints for Spatio-temporal Multi-View 3D Reconstruction | |
885 | Correcting for Duplicate Scene Structure in Sparse 3D Reconstruction | |
971 | Let There Be Color! – Large-Scale Texturing of 3D Reconstructions | |
1025 | Soft Cost Aggregation with Multi-Resolution Fusion | |
1028 | Nonrigid Surface Registration and Completion from RGBD Images | |
1029 | Large-Scale Direct Monocular SLAM | |
1042 | The 3D jigsaw puzzle: mapping large indoor spaces | |
1117 | Multi-Body Multi-View Stereo with Non-Intersection Constraints | |
1126 | A New Variational Framework for Multiview Surface Reconstruction | |
1127 | Optimal Essential Matrix Estimation in the Presence of Outliers | |
1257 | Robust Bundle Adjustment Revisited | |
1288 | 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Textures in Crowd Sourced Data | |
1303 | As-Rigid-As-Possible Stereo under Second Order Smoothness Priors | |
1335 | Video Pop-up: Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes | |
1346 | Physically Grounded Spatio-Temporal Object Affordances | |
1390 | ROCHADE: Robust Checkerboard Advanced Detection for Camera Calibration | |
1412 | Statistical pose averaging with non-isotropic and incomplete relative measurements | |
1443 | Automatic Single-View Calibration and Rectification from Parallel Planar Curves | |
1492 | Pose Locality Constrained Representation for 3D Human Pose Reconstruction | |
1556 | Piecewise-Planar StereoScan: Structure and Motion from Plane Primitives | |
1616 | Synchronization of two independently moving cameras without feature correspondences | |
1617 | Schwarp: a Locally Projective Image Warp Based on 2D Schwarzian Derivatives | |
Computational photography, sensing and display | 87 | Depth-of-Field Analysis and Coded Aperture Imaging on XSlit Cameras |
269 | SRA: Fast Removal of General Multipath for ToF Sensors | |
330 | Photo Uncrop | |
390 | Passive Tomography of Turbulence Strength | |
598 | Coplanar Common Points in Non-Centric Cameras | |
680 | Improved Motion Invariant Deblurring through Motion Estimation | |
685 | Consistent Matting for Light Field Image | |
721 | Solving Square Jigsaw Puzzles with Loop Constraints | |
788 | Multi-Focus Structured Light for Recovering Scene Shape and Global Illumination | |
798 | Programmable Automotive Headlights | |
856 | Blind deblurring using internal patch recurrence | |
888 | All-In-Focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging | |
963 | Sub-Pixel Layout for Super-Resolution with Images in an Octic Group | |
1089 | A Non-local Method for Robust Noisy Inpainting | |
1235 | Geometric Calibration of Micro-Lens-Based Light-Field Cameras | |
1550 | Refraction Wiggles for Measuring Fluid Depth and Velocity from Video | |
Face and gesture | 37 | Hierarchical Temporal Graphical Model for Head Pose Estimation in Real-World Videos |
98 | Spatio-temporal Matching for Human Detection in Video | |
116 | Collaborative Facial Landmark Localization for Transferring Annotations Across Datasets | |
206 | Feature Disentangling Machine – A Novel Approach of Feature Selection and Disentangling in Facial Expression Analysis | |
279 | Real-Time Exemplar-Based Face Sketch Synthesis | |
317 | Domain-adaptive Discriminative One-shot Learning of Gestures | |
434 | Optimizing Facial Landmark Detection with Related Tasks | |
476 | Consensus of Regression for Occlusion-Robust Facial Feature Localization | |
604 | Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment | |
693 | Distance estimation of an unknown person from a single portrait | |
1043 | Reverse Training: An efficient Approach for Image Set Classification | |
1080 | Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces | |
1125 | Cross-Age Reference Coding for Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval | |
1140 | Spatio-temporal Event Classification using Time-series Kernel based Structured Sparsity | |
1203 | Person Re-Identification using Kernel-based Metric Learning Methods | |
1231 | Simultaneous Feature and Dictionary Learning for Image Set Based Face Recognition | |
1253 | Learning the Face Prior for Bayesian Face Recognition | |
1414 | Coarse-to-Fine Auto-encoder Networks (CFAN) for Real-time Face Alignment | |
1417 | Weighted Block-Sparse Low Rank Representation for Face Clustering in Videos | |
1601 | Joint Unsupervised Face Alignment and Behaviour Analysis | |
1615 | Read My Lips: Continuous Signer Independent Weakly Supervised Viseme Recognition | |
Low-level vision and image processing | 15 | Good Image Priors for Non-blind Deconvolution: Generic vs Specific |
63 | Scale-Aware Rolling Guidance Filter | |
72 | A Contrast Enhancement Framework with JPEG Artifacts Suppression | |
109 | Radial Bright Channel Prior for Single Image Vignetting Correction | |
187 | RGBD Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms | |
368 | Deblurring Face Images with Exemplars | |
383 | Image Deconvolution Ringing Artifact Detection and Removal via PSF Frequency Analysis | |
392 | Saliency in crowd | |
408 | Discriminative Indexing for Probabilistic Image Patch Priors | |
520 | Inverse Kernels for Fast Spatial Deconvolution | |
532 | Spatio-Chromatic Opponent Features | |
579 | Crisp Boundary Detection Using Pointwise Mutual Information | |
595 | Hybrid Image Deblurring by Fusing Edge and Power Spectrum Information | |
601 | Sparse Spatio-spectral Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution | |
651 | Learning a Sparse Rectifier Network for Image Super-Resolution | |
729 | Real-Time Minimization of the Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional | |
754 | Comparing Salient Object Detection Results without Ground Truth | |
828 | Saliency Detection with Flash and No-flash Image Pairs | |
874 | Tubular structure filtering by ranking orientation responses of path operators | |
922 | Modeling Perceptual Color Differences by Local Metric Learning | |
931 | Material Classification based on Training Data Synthesized Using a BTF Database | |
1009 | Spectral Edge Image Fusion: Theory and Applications | |
1048 | Affine Subspace Representation for Feature Description | |
1134 | Modeling Video Dynamics with Deep Dynencoder | |
1155 | Webpage Saliency | |
1194 | An Active Patch Model for Real World Texture and Appearance Classification | |
1239 | A MAP-estimation Framework for Blind Deblurring Using High-level Edge Priors | |
1279 | Efficient Color Constancy with Local Surface Reflectance Statistics | |
1298 | Deep Network Cascade for Image Super-resolution | |
1568 | Alpha Matting of Motion-Blurred Objects in Bracket Sequence Images | |
Medical and biological image analysis | 1068 | Metric-Based Pairwise and Multiple Image Registration |
1491 | Canonical Correlation Analysis on Riemannian Manifolds and its Applications | |
1561 | Optimization-Based Artifact Correction for Electron Microscopy Image Stacks | |
Motion and tracking | 44 | Graduated Consistency-Regularized Optimization for Multi-Graph Matching |
129 | A Generative Model for the Joint Registration of Multiple Point Sets | |
133 | Tracking using Multilevel Quantizations | |
193 | Multispectral Image Dense Matching | |
213 | Monocular Multiview Object Tracking with 3D Aspect Parts | |
220 | Real-time gyroscope-based video stabilization for mobile devices | |
270 | Crowd Tracking with Dynamic Evolution of Group Structures | |
435 | Appearances can be deceiving: Learning visual tracking from few trajectory annotations | |
443 | Dejavu: Motion Prediction in Static Images | |
456 | A Superior Tracking Approach: Building a strong Tracker through Fusion | |
478 | Using Isometry to Quickly Detect False 3D-2D Point Correspondences | |
492 | View-Consistent 3D Scene Flow Estimation over Multiple Frames | |
497 | Separable Spatiotemporal Priors for Convex Reconstruction of Time-Varying 3D Point Clouds | |
513 | Fast Visual Tracking via Dense Spatio-Temporal Context Learning | |
545 | Description-Discrimination Collaborative Tracking | |
554 | Modeling Blurred Video with Layers | |
569 | Transfer Learning Based Visual Tracking with Gaussian Process Regression | |
576 | Hybrid Stochastic / Deterministic Optimization for Tracking Sports Players and Pedestrians | |
634 | Robust Visual Tracking with Double Bounding Box Model | |
660 | Non-Local Total Generalized Variation for Optical Flow Estimation | |
835 | Bilateral Functions for Global Motion Modeling | |
836 | Visual Tracking by Sampling Tree-Structured Graphical Models | |
838 | Online Graph-Based Tracking | |
887 | Generalized Background Subtraction using Superpixels with Label Integrated Motion Estimation | |
948 | MEEM: Robust Tracking via Multiple Experts using Entropy Minimization | |
949 | What Do I See? Modeling Human Visual Perception for Multi-person Tracking | |
1051 | Robust Motion Segmentation with Unknown Correspondences | |
1114 | Consistent Re-identification in a Camera Network | |
1135 | Hand Waving Away Scale | |
1137 | Extended Lucas-Kanade Tracking | |
1210 | Dense Semi-Rigid Scene Flow Estimation from RGBD images | |
1211 | Online, Real-Time Tracking using a Category-to-Individual Detector | |
1212 | Learning Brightness Transfer Functions for the Joint Recovery of Illumination Changes and Optical Flow | |
1244 | Tractable and Reliable Registration of 2D Point Sets | |
1267 | On Mean Pose and Variability of 3D Deformable Models | |
1270 | Change Detection in the Presence of Motion Blur and Rolling Shutter Effect | |
1309 | Highly Overparameterized Optical Flow Using PatchMatch Belief Propagation | |
1359 | Local Estimation of High Velocity Optical Flow 000 001 with Correlation Image Sensor | |
1472 | Occlusing and Motion Reasoning for Long-term Tracking | |
1506 | OpenDR: An Approximate Differentiable Renderer | |
1543 | See You Downtown: Mobile 6-DOF Localization in the Large | |
1557 | An Analysis of Errors in Graph-based Keypoint Matching and Proposed Solutions | |
1575 | Tracking Interacting Objects Optimally Using Integer Programming | |
1606 | Optical Flow Estimation with Channel Constancy | |
Optimization methods | 46 | Rank Minimization with Structured Data Patterns |
52 | Efficient Image and Video Co-localization with Frank-Wolfe Algorithm | |
260 | Robust Compressed Sensing and Sparse Coding with the Difference Map | |
740 | Spectral Clustering with a Convex Regularizer on Millions of Images | |
793 | Incoherent dictionary learning algorithm for sparse coding with proved convergence | |
1079 | Convexity Shape Prior for Segmentation | |
1166 | Co-Sparse Textural Similarity for Interactive Segmentation | |
1198 | Riemannian Sparse Coding of Positive Definite Matrices | |
1379 | Pseudo-Bound Optimization for Binary Energies | |
1383 | Non-parametric higher-order random fields for semantic segmentation | |
1521 | Duality and the Continuous Graphical Model | |
Performance evaluation and datasets | 373 | Generating High Quality Seeds For Automatic Dataset Construction |
529 | VCDB: A Large-Scale Database for Partial Copy Detection in Videos | |
1047 | Single-Image Super-Resolution: A Benchmark | |
Physics-based vision and Shape-from-X | 69 | Intrinsic Video |
124 | Spatially Varying Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Intrinsic Image Decomposition | |
151 | Training-Based Spectral Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image | |
278 | Robust and Accurate Non-Parametric Estimation of Reflectance using Basis Decomposition and Correction Functions | |
506 | Interreflection Removal Using Fluorescence | |
525 | Recovering Scene Geometry under Wavy Fluid via Distortion and Defocus Analysis | |
799 | Intrinsic Image Decomposition using Structure-Texture Separation and Surface Normals | |
1085 | Surface Normal Deconvolution: Photometric Stereo for Optically Thick Translucent Objects | |
1093 | What Motion Cues Reveal About Unknown Shape and Reflectance | |
1107 | Spectra Estimation of Fluorescent and Reflective Scenes by Using Ordinary Illuminants | |
1133 | Intrinsic Face Image Decomposition with Human Face Priors | |
1209 | Intrinsic Textures for Relightable Free-Viewpoint Video | |
Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching | 16 | Binary Codes Embedding for Fast Image Tagging with Incomplete Labels |
26 | Recognizing Products: An Efficient, Per-Exemplar Multi-Label Image Classification Approach | |
29 | Parameterizing Object Detectors in the Continuous Pose Space | |
32 | Sliding Shapes for 3D Object Detection in RGB-D Images | |
33 | PanoContext: A Whole-room 3D Context Model for Panoramic Scene Understanding | |
45 | A Contour Completion Model for Augmenting Surface Reconstructions | |
66 | Spatial Pyramid Pooling on Deep Convolutional Features for Visual Recognition | |
68 | Learning Graphs to Model Visual Objects Across Different Depictive Styles | |
90 | Towards Unied Object Detection and Segmentation | |
107 | SPADE: Scalar Product Accelerator by Integer Decomposition for Object Detection | |
131 | Part-Pair Representation for Part Localization | |
142 | Pipelining Localized Semantic Features for Fine-Grained Action Recognition | |
146 | From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape Retrieval via Regression Tree Fields | |
162 | Multi-Class Open Set Recognition using Probability of Inclusion | |
167 | Fine Pose Estimation: When CAD models meet images | |
172 | Architectural Style Classification using Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression | |
190 | Free-Shape Polygonal Object Localization | |
256 | Recognizing City Identity Via Attribute Analysis of Geo-tagged Images | |
264 | Progressive mode-seeking on graphs for sparse feature matching | |
271 | Graph Cuts for Supervised Binary Coding | |
333 | Reasoning About Object Affordances in a Knowledge Base Representation | |
337 | Simultaneous Localization and Detection | |
357 | Interactively Guiding Semi-Supervised Clustering via Attribute-based Explanations | |
372 | Growing Regression Forests by Classification: Applications to Object Pose Estimation | |
401 | Object Detection and Segmentation using Semantically Rich Image and Depth Features | |
402 | OTC: A Novel Local Descriptor for Scene Classification | |
403 | Food-101 – Mining Discriminative Components with Random Forests | |
406 | Face detection without bells and whistles | |
411 | Orientation covariant aggregation of local descriptors with embeddings | |
441 | Attributes make sense on segmented objects | |
442 | Human Pose Estimation with Fields of Parts | |
451 | Image Retrieval and Ranking via Consistently Reconstructing Multi-Attribute Queries | |
467 | Pose Machines: Articulated Pose Estimation via Inference Machines | |
471 | Edge Boxes: Locating Object Proposals from Edges | |
477 | Transductive Multi-view Embedding for Zero-Shot Recognition and Annotation | |
498 | Common Objects in Context Dataset | |
560 | Foreground Consistent Human Pose Estimation using Branch and Bound | |
571 | Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks | |
597 | Towards Transparent Systems: Semantic Characterization of Failure Modes | |
606 | Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Latent Category Learning | |
614 | Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation with Auto-masking Neural Network | |
626 | Neural Codes for Image Retrieval | |
658 | Zero-Shot Learning via Visual Abstraction | |
672 | Fast and Accurate Texture Recognition with Multilayer Convolution and Multifractal Analysis | |
690 | Multi-scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features | |
700 | Deep Features for Text Spotting | |
709 | Interactive Object Counting | |
718 | Improving Image-Sentence Embeddings Using Large Weakly Annotated Photo Collections | |
722 | Detecting Snap Points in Egocentric Video with a Web Photo Prior | |
726 | Sequential Max-Margin Event Detectors | |
727 | Depth Based Object Detection from Partial Pose Estimation of Symmetric Objects | |
736 | Learning to Rank 3D Features | |
747 | CollageParsing: Nonparametric scene parsing by adaptive overlapping windows | |
752 | Interestingness Prediction by Robust Learning to Rank | |
767 | Verifying mid-level region correspondences through unsupervised context prediction | |
783 | Which Looks Like Which: Exploring Inter-Class Relationships in Fine-Grained Visual Categorization | |
794 | Learning to Hash with Partial Tags: Exploring Correlation Between Tags and Hashing Bits for Large Scale Image Retrieval | |
871 | Predicting Actions from Static Scenes | |
886 | Pairwise Probabilistic Voting: Instance Recognition without RANSAC | |
894 | Training Deformable Object Models for Human Detection based on Alignment and Clustering | |
895 | Human Detection using Learned Part Alphabet and Pose Dictionary | |
899 | Latent-Class Hough Forests for 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation | |
911 | A Closer Look at Context: From Coxels to the Contextual Emergence of Object Saliency | |
930 | Weakly Supervised Learning of Objects, Attributes and their Associations | |
982 | Surface Normal Estimation as a Discriminative Soft-weighted Learning Problem | |
998 | Discovering Groups of People in Images | |
999 | Statistical and Spatial Consensus Collection for Detector Adaptation | |
1019 | Knowing a good HOG filter when you see it: Efficient selection of filters for detection | |
1050 | Superpixel Graph Label Transfer with Learned Distance Metric | |
1059 | Instance Segmentation of Indoor Scenes using a Coverage Loss | |
1061 | Deep Deformable Part Model with Shape Regression for Object Part Localization | |
1074 | Recursive Convolutional Models for Fine-grained Categorization | |
1076 | Similarity-invariant Sketch-based Image Retrieval in Large Databases | |
1156 | Scene Classification via Hypergraph-based Semantic Attributes Subnetworks Identification | |
1180 | Jointly Optimizing 3D Model Fitting and Fine-Grained Classification | |
1196 | Discovering Object Classes from Activities | |
1213 | Exploiting Privileged Information from Web Data for Image Cagegorization | |
1215 | Multi-modal Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Scene Labeling | |
1248 | Active Deformable Part Models | |
1249 | Deep Learning of Scene-specific Classifier for Pedestrian Detection | |
1272 | Strengthening the Effectiveness of Pedestrian Detection with Spatially Pooled Features | |
1294 | Untangling object-view manifold for multi-view recognition | |
1332 | Learning 6D Object Pose Estimation using 3D Object Coordinates | |
1355 | Analyzing The Performance of Multi Layer Neural Networks for Object Recognition | |
1366 | Salient Color Names for Person Re-Identification | |
1384 | Uncertain Structure Matching for Geolocation | |
1393 | Learning Discriminative and Shareable Features for Scene Classification | |
1406 | Object Co-Detection via Efficient Inference in a Fully-Connected CRF | |
1408 | Unsupervised Video Adaptation for Parsing Human Motion | |
1486 | Learning High-level Judgments of Urban Perception | |
1493 | Training object class detectors from eye tracking data | |
1501 | 30Hz Object Detection with DPM V5 | |
1527 | Integrating Context and Occlusion for Car Detection by Hierarchical And-Or Model | |
1528 | Large-Scale Object Classification using Label Relation Graphs | |
1531 | Self-Explanatory Sparse Representation for Image Classification | |
1534 | The Elements of Fashion Styles | |
1572 | Robust Instance Recognition in Presence of Occlusion and Clutter | |
1586 | Robust Scene Text Detection with Convolution Neural Network Induced MSER Trees | |
1602 | Multi-level Adaptive Active Learning for Scene Classication | |
Segmentation, grouping and shape representation | 12 | Geodesic Object Proposals |
141 | Learning Where To Classify In Multi-View Semantic Segmentation | |
288 | On image contours of projective shapes | |
399 | Surface Matching and Registration by Landmark Curve-Driven Canonical Quasiconformal Mapping | |
608 | A Multi-Stage Approach to Curve Extraction | |
825 | Precision-Recall-Classification Evaluation Framework: Application to Depth Estimation on Single Images | |
932 | Closed-Form Training of Conditional Random Fields for Large Scale Image Segmentation | |
986 | ShapeForest: Building constrained Statistical Shape Models with Decision Trees | |
1016 | Finding Approximate Convex Shapes in RGBD Images | |
1072 | Numerical Inversion of SRNFs for Efcient Elastic Shape Analysis of Star-Shaped Objects | |
1073 | Geometry Driven Semantic Labeling of Indoor Scenes | |
1075 | Non-Associative Higher-Order Markov Networks for Point Cloud Classification | |
1175 | Stixmantics: A Medium-Level Model for Real-Time Semantic Scene Understanding | |
1307 | A Novel Topic-level Random Walk Framework for Scene Image Co-Segmentation | |
1364 | Sparse Dictionaries for Semantic Segmentation | |
1552 | A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Producing Candidate Regions | |
1558 | A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model | |
Statistical methods and learning | 177 | Shrinkage Expansion Adaptive Metric Learning |
231 | Perceptually Inspired Layout-aware Losses for Image Segmentation | |
284 | Support Vector Guided Dictionary Learning | |
384 | Efficient k-Support Matrix Pursuit | |
422 | From Manifold to Manifold: Geometry-Aware Dimensionality Reduction for SPD Matrices | |
485 | Expanding the Family of Grassmannian Kernels: An Embedding Perspective | |
664 | Geodesic Regression on the Grassmannian | |
689 | Large Margin Local Metric Learning | |
786 | Sparse Additive Subspace Clustering | |
820 | Efficient Sparsity Estimation via Marginal-Lasso Coding | |
843 | Continuous Conditional Neural Fields for Structured Regression | |
850 | Optimizing Ranking Measures for Compact Binary Code Learning | |
1115 | Image Tag Completion with Noise by Topic Model and Matrix Completion | |
1157 | Optimizing Average Precision using High-Order Information | |
1237 | Selecting Influential Examples: Active Learning with Expected Model Output Changes | |
1333 | Exploiting Low-rank Structure from Latent Domains for Domain Generalization | |
1336 | ConceptMap: Mining noisy web data for concept learning | |
1584 | Model Selection by Linear Programming | |
Video: events, activities and surveillance | 8 | Semantic Aware Video Transcription Using Random Forest Classifiers |
41 | Weakly supervised action labeling in videos under ordering constraints | |
55 | HiRF: Hierarchical Random Field for Collective Activity Recognition in Videos | |
73 | Spatio-Temporal Object Detection Proposals | |
76 | Joint Person Naming in Videos and Text | |
81 | Part Bricolage: Flow-assisted Part-based Parametrized Graphs for Activity Classification and Detection | |
184 | Assessing the Quality of Actions | |
196 | Person Re-Identification by Video Ranking | |
204 | Video Object Discovery and Co-segmentation with Extremely Weak Supervision | |
263 | A Discriminative Model with Multiple Temporal Scales for Action Prediction | |
378 | Discovering Video Clusters from Visual Features and Noisy Tags | |
458 | Creating Summaries from User Videos | |
481 | Pose Filter based Hidden-CRF models for Activity Detection | |
487 | Continuous Learning of Human Activity Models using Deep Nets | |
489 | HOPC: Histogram of Oriented Principal Components of 3D Pointclouds for Cross-View Action Recognition | |
514 | Supervoxel-Consistent Foreground Propagation in Video | |
611 | Clustering with Hypergraphs: The Case for Large Hyperedges | |
665 | Finding Coherent Motions and Semantic Regions in Crowd Scenes: A Diffusion and Clustering Approach | |
735 | Movement Pattern Histogram for Action Recognition and Retrieval in Static Videos | |
742 | Ranking Domain-specific Highlights by Analyzing Edited Videos | |
743 | Salient Montages from Unconstrained Videos | |
751 | Motion Words for Videos | |
775 | Recognizing Complex Events in Videos by Learning Key Static-Dynamic Evidences | |
870 | DaMN Discriminative and Mutually Nearest: Exploiting Pairwise Category Proximity for Video Action Recognition | |
883 | Activity Group Localization by Modeling the Relations among Participants | |
978 | Action Recognition Using Super Sparse Coding Vector with Spatio-Temporal Awareness | |
1011 | Learning Visual Clauses for Zero-shot Video Search | |
1013 | Natural action recognition using invariant 3D motion encoding | |
1020 | Learning Latent Constituents for Recognition of Group Activities in Video | |
1096 | Detecting Social Actions of Fruit Flies | |
1121 | Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints | |
1153 | Category-specific video summarization | |
1204 | A Hierarchical Representation for Future Action Prediction | |
1280 | Spatiotemporal Background Subtraction Using Minimum Spanning Tree and Optical Flow | |
1349 | Action-Reaction: Forecasting the Dynamics of Human Interaction | |
1360 | Video Action Detection with Relational Dynamic-Poselets | |
1361 | Seeing is Worse than Believing: Reading People’s Minds Better than Computer-Vision Methods Recognize Actions | |
1372 | A Multi-Transformational Model for Background Subtraction with Moving Cameras | |
1386 | Video Object Co-Segmentation by Regulated Maximum Weight Cliques | |
1431 | Accelerated High-Order Super Vectors for Visual Recognition | |
1438 | Action Recognition with Stacked Fisher Vectors | |
Vision for X | 868 | GIS-assisted Object Detection and geospatial localization |
901 | Context-based Pedestrian Path Prediction | |
990 | Active Random Forests: An application to Autonomous Unfolding of Clothes | |
1167 | Model-Free Segmentation and Grasp Selection of Unknown Stacked Objects |